Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Swing Your Braided Mane!

 As the last day of the year arrives at least a bit of reflection seems creepingly inevitable.  I got to thinking about what I could say in my final writings of 2014 and quite obviously,  a "Thank You" seems in order.  Through out the year your support, kind words, good vibes, laughs and style have inspired us and made what we do, all worth it.  We are truly grateful that you chose to shop at Relish and Williams Shoes and can't wait to show you what is in store for Spring.  Next, the usual suspects; Love, Health and Success, come to mind, all of which we wish you oodles of in 2015.

Lastly, I would like to leave you with something else.  Something to counterbalance the classic undertones of shame and inadequacy that conventional resolutions of dieting and gym attendance seem to bear.

Several months ago on the Main St. El platform I discovered a piece of artwork which immediately delighted me and I have come to love more and more as the days go by.  It appears to be the work of a genius and insightful child.  Full of humor, sophistication, honesty, simplicity and that certain je ne sais quoi in all things cool. I present to you, Stumpy.

Whatever the next year may have in store for us may we face it with the same style and panache as Stumpy.  Let's live it boldly, beautifully and confidently, unapologetically ourselves and RELISH in the joys of being alive. Stumpy has led me to my battle cry for 2015:


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Little Bit Of Beauty

"If you care for a thing enough, it takes on a life of its own doesn't it?  And isn't the whole point of things -beautiful things- that they connect you to some larger beauty?"  -The Goldfinch

I recently finished The Goldfinch, which I highly recommend.  It was a great story and also really well written, a combination not as easy to come by as one might think.  I particularly enjoyed the way the author describes emotions.  A friend and I have often talked about how discussing emotions is the final frontier in any language.  Even in your native language talking or explaining the nuances of feelings accurately can seem close to impossible.

Anyway, since I was a child I have always loved to see, touch and experience beautiful things (yes, I know, who doesn't).  One of my early memories is standing behind my grandmother in her fur coat and my sister and I ever so gently touching the luxuriously thick yet soft pelt so she wouldn't feel it and drinking in the rich mahogany hue with our little 4 and 6 year old eyes.  When I came across this quote in The Goldfinch I immediately identified with it and felt like this explains in better words than I could have put myself, why I enjoy what I do so much and the search to bring beautiful, fun and wearable things to the store every season.

I relish the thought of a gift bringing moments of beauty to our friends and family throughout the year so here is my top gift picks to do just that!

These silk and cashmere scarves from Chan Luu never get old.  Their light weave and large size make them gauzy and ethereal.  They bring comfort and warmth on bleak grey days when you need a bit of luxury and levity to remind you that Spring will, eventually, come again.  Having one of these scarves wrapped around your neck is truly one of life's small pleasures.  Warning:  Whomever you give this to will become hooked and no other scarves they own will compare (I have testimonies).

You know the feeling when you walk in from being out in the cold, dark winter night to the warmth and safety of someones house and you are greeted with rich winter hues, earthy spicy piney scents, dim softer lighting and you feel that cozy holiday feeling?  Our candles from Voluspa are all wonderful but I love the Golden Cypress this time of year in particular.  They describe it as, "The heart of a green velvet floored forest mid winter. The clean sugary balsam of a snapped cypress needle." Normally I would laugh and roll my eyes about a description like that but seriously, it's that good.  The beautiful red glass jar for this particular scent is also part if its beauty.  When lit it casts a sultry, moody red glow.

There is nothing quite like the smell and feel of Italian leather.  This leather line, MyWalit, makes wallets and bags in bright colors that really pop and are as soft as butter.  I like the thought of pulling one of these beauties out of your purse and giving a burst of color to all around.

Women (and men) have been adorning themselves with beautiful baubles since they figured out how to string together stones, bones, quills and feathers.  I just never tire of beautifully crafted jewels and think of them as wearable art.  My favorite piece in the store currently is this long strand of grey fresh water pearls mixed with faceted labradorite stones.  Perfect to wear from casual to cocktail.

Lastly, no amount of beautiful things will ever be as beautiful as the beautiful memories you create with the beautiful people you love and cherish so this holiday season we have carefully crafted a wonderfully edited playlist of music to put on while cooking, relaxing, hosting a dinner party or simply hanging out with friends and family.  Our "Relish Your Life - Good Times Mix" is the soundtrack to great moments to come in 2015.  Music to your ears, literally. 

To see more pictures of fabulous gift ideas please click here

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fake It 'Til You Make It

My sister and I went out over the Thanksgiving weekend and she wore a very sassy outfit, a vintage wool striped jacket, a navy felt fedora type hat and a red lightweight scarf.  We caught a glimpse of our reflection in a window and she said, "Oh my God, I look like Woody from Toy Story!" "Yeah but you look like the most stylish Woody that every lived," I said, "Just rock it. Don't ever let 'em see you sweat."

Fast forward to two weeks later and I found myself having left the house in a scramble and a haste and looking like what my sister and I (after texting her a pic of my fashion faux pas) dubbed "cardigan-cowgirl gone wrong."  I got off the train and was hoping I wouldn't see anyone I knew.  "No," I told myself, "you got this.  Just act like you have the best outfit you ever wore on right now."  "Fake it til you make it" as they say.

Woody and I
With the holidays coming up a lot of feelings of anxiety can surface about what family and friends may think of our appearances, "successes" and "failures" over the past year and general judgements. Sometimes in fashion and in life, you just have to have a chin-up, fighting spirit (and a laugh here and there) and make the best of your decisions while hoping you live another day to give it another go.  Today you might have to fake it but tomorrow you may make it. 

What do you think?  Have you ever done or worn something you regret?  What do you do?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Things You Remember

Working here at the shop I get to hear stories and anecdotes from women of various backgrounds, professions and interests.  As many of you know, being the sociology minor that I am, I never tire of hearing these small threads that make up the fabric of peoples lives.  One story I was recently told I want to publish because it is about a women who was ahead of her time, stylish, and left a lasting impression (just my kind of gal).

It was about 5:00 p.m. on a Friday, I was straightening up and winding down the day.  In walked a woman who knew exactly what she wanted.  She had come in to treat herself to one of our faux leather totes she had seen in our window (she had assumed it was going to be a a couple hundred bucks instead of $65 and had set a date to come in and splurge on herself).

As we got to talking she began to explain to me why she had waited to come and why she likes to treat herself on Fridays.  As a young girl she had attended boarding school and been close with a girl there who's mother left a lasting impression on her. This woman was a southern belle who had gotten pregnant at 16.  Her family had given her the ultimatum to either get rid of the baby or be disowned.  She chose the latter and got on a bus to Washington D.C. and became a secretary.  She managed to establish a life there and make enough to support herself and her baby, a somewhat unusual accomplishment for a woman/mother to be self-made and single back in the 60's. On Fridays if she had a hot date she would leave work a little early, go get a manicure and pedicure and a new outfit or something to snazz up her wardrobe.  This ritual of her friends mom treating HERSELF left a lasting impression on this woman and to this day she makes it a point to do the same for herself on occasion. 

I have written in the past about sometimes giving yourself a treat and finding it empowering to get something new that you feel expresses who you are and makes you feel good.  What do you think? Do you agree?  Is there a woman you remember from your childhood that left a lasting impression? I would love to hear about it!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My Golden Moment

I had gotten it into my mind that I was definitively a "silver gal."  Like many a woman who has come before me, I love jewelry and think it's not only one of the best ways to jazz up an outfit but also can be one of the most personal and artistic ways to express oneself through fashion.  I always liked the look of gold but thought it was something best left up to women less fair (read: not ghostly).  A few things happened recently which have changed my mind entirely and thrust me into my golden moment.  The first situation was the brutal, bone-chilling, prove-what-your-made-of, epically long, insanely cold Winter we had.  After that I was ready to channel sun in any form I could get my hands on and to me gold feels like warmth and being tan and just generally Greek goddess-ish.  The second thing was I have received some very special jewelry from my Grandmother and my Mother which happened to be gold.  I love wearing these items because I feel like I have a little bit of my Gramms and my mom with me wherever I go and this also has kicked off adding a few more pieces to wear along with these things.  I picked up a brass ring (brass is awesome because you still get the gold tones without the price tag and it won't tarnish!) from our new collection of jewelry brought to us by an amazing couple who travel the world working with local artisans to find unique and special pieces at fair and affordable prices! I also needed a pair of gold earrings.  As much as I love all kinds of earrings I usually end up wearing hoops.  Our Viv&Ingrid hoops are lightweight and a classic size that are big enough to be seen but still classy and timeless so I've been rocking those daily as well.  Lastly I wanted a layered necklace look so I added a gold Chan Luu evil eye necklace to the necklace my mom gave me.  For those unfamiliar, Evil Eyes are popular in the Middle East and parts of Asia and are a symbol of protection from harm and ill-will.  I may go back to strictly silver when the weather cools off again but for now I am loving the laid back summer feeling I am getting from my golden moment!

What do you think?  Are you strictly a silver or gold person?  Will you mix and match?  Do you just wear certain metals during certain seasons?  I would love to hear your thoughts! 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Our BIG Announcement!

So the day is finally here!  After over 2 1/2 years of sitting on the fence, should we should we not change the name of our store we are finally doing it and the sign was installed TODAY!  Ladies and gentleman we present to you our newly renamed store: RELISH!

Relish is a name dear to our hearts and something we have wanted to do for a long time.  We held off because of fear of confusion the rebranding would cause as well as paralyzing fear of getting the new sign just perfect.  After finally giving ourselves the proverbial kick in the tush and telling ourselves "nothing will ever be perfect, just do it!" We did it!

About once or twice a day people come in and say "Wow, I love this store how long have you been here?" they are shocked when we say 7 years and have no idea how they missed it.  Because we are set back a bit from the street we can be easy to miss and truthfully the name, Williams Next Door is a bit forgetable.  When we originally opened as the higher end side to Williams and carried shoes it made sense.  Now as we have grown to have our own identity we want our name to reflect that.

So how did we decide on the name Relish you ask? It originally comes from a nickname for my sister, Ariel.  My sister is very stylish and can always put together pieces in an interesting and unexpected way.  She is confident in her style and likes to have fun with fashion and express herself through her wardrobe.  If you have followed my blog over the past 3 years you know this way of thinking about style is a huge part of why we love fashion as well and what we try and bring to the table at our boutique.  Secondly, relish is an amazing condiment and like any condiment can be just the touch needed to complete the dish.  We hope that we can provide those amazing pieces, whether it be jewelry, handbags, gifts or clothes that add just that perfect touch to your wardrobe, and bring some flavor to your fashion life.  Lastly, to relish something is to enjoy and take delight in it.  We always strive to find unique and special pieces that you will love and have fun wearing.  We hope that you relish not only the things you get at our store but also the life you are living while wearing them!

RELISH the change! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

To Be Or Not To Be (Stylish)

A friend recently sent me this article about novelist, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.  In short, she tells how she always loved to watch her mother dress with style and color and she herself loved fashion until she started to become more recognized for her writing.  She felt she would not be taken seriously if she wore too much color or looked like she cared too much about style and fashion.  At 36 years old she says she finally stopped pretending she doesn't care about her appearance and her love for beautiful prints, textures and expressing herself through her style.    

I loved this article and Chimamanda's style journey for several reasons.  She is someone who is well respected for her work, extremely intelligent and yet she has insecurities and felt the need to cater to others and societies parameters of what an intellectual and "serious" woman is.  Haven't we all been there?  Haven't we all at some point conformed or dimmed our shine in fear that people may be intimidated, judgmental or percieve us in a way we don't perviece ourselves?  The thing I think she realized is you can't control what everyone is going to say or think about you so the best possible option is to just be ourselves and follow the old adage "the ones that matter don't mind and the ones that mind don't matter."  Of course you want to dress appropriately depending on the occasion but that doesn't mean that having style and enjoying the beauty and expression that style and fashion allow is a bad thing.  

To me the latest wave of feminism is just this.  It's that as women we can decide for ourselves exactly what we want to do.  If we want to have kids and stay home to raise them we can! If we want to never have kids thats fine too.  We can be smart AND beautiful.  We can be fun AND serious.  We can be whatever we damn well please and if someone has something to say about it that is their problem not ours because we are deciding what we like not only as women but also simply as humans beings.

Talking to so many of my clients at the store I get to hear various musings from women about themselves, their daughters, their mothers and friends.  So many women are so hard on themselves and so critical of even the slightest flaws.  I think that one of the best things we can do for each other and ourselves and the younger girls coming up is to find our confidence and embrace who we are.  What could be more of a middle finger to all the mysogony we are surrounded by than to love ourselves as women and as people and express that through all that we do including how we dress! It's much more than just the clothes you wear but feeling good can make a big difference.  You know when you put on that dress you just feel so sassy in or see a beautiful colorful scarf that makes you swoon.  The earrings that frame your face perfectly or the pants that make your tush look great.  While I can't tell you exactly how to love yourself and find your confidence I can help in the style department.  We are all on a journey and that includes the store!  Every season we learn more and more about what makes women feel good, colors that flatter and a balance of sensibility and fun so come in and we will help you find an outfit that feels like you!

What do you think?  I know this was a long one but I had a lot of thoughts and would love to hear yours! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Is 4 Trying Nu Things

Spring is all about fresh starts and new growth.  As tons of new things roll in I just love coming to work.  I am surrounded by new and exciting things and tons of color.  In retail and in fashion, every new season is a chance to try and do better, be more adventurous and keep evolving.  With all the new warm weather items coming in to the store I have been slowly collecting things to bust out the second it gets warm.  A few of these items I have been collecting are our awesome new skirts, a creamy beige faux leather crossbody bag ( easy to wear with everything!), lighter, springier scented candles for my house, a new throw blanket for my couch, of course scarves, lightweight sweaters and more.  I have also been trying new things!  Here are a few of the new things I have tried.

This is me wearing my new lavender eye shadow and purple lipstick with one of our new silk scarves from Italy.  I have been wearing some version of red lipstick and black or grey eye liner forever. I just needed to try something new.  Being a big color for Spring I decided that purple was what I needed. This also led me to try lip primer for the first time ever (lip primer is a base you put on your lips to make your lipstick last longer and stay on evenly) which I can't believe I never used before!  In general the purple lipstick has been a bit polarizing.  Some people seem to think it's amazing and others feel it's a little scary to see me in purple lipstick.  I however, LOVE IT, so it's here to stay.

My second new "Try" for Spring is a double whammy.  I had seen several things about Ramen (a Japanese noodle soup dish, nothing like the instant soup you eat in college but a highly complex and delicious meal) over the past year from various sources but had never actually tried it so it was on my list.  On my day off I went to Wicker Park to walk around and take pictures and get some fresh air.  I passed a Ramen place I had heard about just by chance.  I decided it was meant to be so I went in.  Now a big part of my first ramen experience is that it was also my first time eating at a restaurant alone. This may be shocking to some, but it's true.  I knew I would be able to do it but I never thought it would be so enjoyable.  I absolutely loved having lunch by myself, writing,  looking out the window, and trying a new dish.  I will be doing this a lot more from now on. 

My last new try (so far) this Spring is the braid/bun.  My mom wanted to braid my hair in two braids like I used to wear every day between the ages of 6 and 12.  After one braid I decided I had, had enough of walking down memory lane and just put the other half up in a bun.  This was how the braid/bun hairstyle was born.  It's something totally new for me and the only thing I can say about it is: WHY NOT?!

Have you tried something new lately?  I would love to hear about it.  Come in soon to check out all the new amazing goodies and push your personal Spring fashion envelope just a bit!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Splurge

Most people would like to eat a brownie and buy fabulous expensive fashion every day but neither our waistlines nor our pocket books would appreciate that.  This is why I propose splurging in moderation! Everyone has categories they favor over others.  Some people go nuts over jewelry.  Some people get going over a pair of amazing designer jeans.  Some ladies love a handbag.  Others find a new pair of shoes  simply irresistible.  Whatever your weak spot is I think that on occasion you should make a calculated splurge on something you love that makes you feel amazing.  Just like anything in life you need to know when to keep your nose to the grindstone and say no and when to throw caution to the wind and say yes!  I love great jewelry and a good pair of shoes that make an outfit.  In the past this is where I have invested in better quality items.  In general I am just as happy in reasonably priced clothes especially since I find that even great quality clothes if you wear them often enough only last so long.    Imagine my surprise when I came across a new kind of love.  It was handbag love and I fell hard.  A bag I just couldn't resist that was slightly (plus a little bit) out of my price range.  I normally will move on but I felt that this would be a game changer.  It is a black leather tote with a bumpy texture and something I think is classic yet interesting and a bag I will have for a long time.  It won't go out of style and will be something my grandkids will think is so cool when they raid my closet.  When I wear this bag I instantly feel like my whole outfit looks awesome.  It gives me a "look."  Whatever your splurge item ends up being, anticipate.  Put away a little money every month because these finds always pop up when you are not looking.  It should not be something you kind of want, it should be something you love. You may not even need it but you know you will use it and wear it.  Invest in a piece that just feels right and will become an old dear friend over time.

What do you think?  Have you ever splurged on an item and been so happy you did?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pretty Pastels!

Things are starting to warm up a bit (knock on wood and fingers crossed), new merchandise is starting to flow into the store and thankfully much of it involves color!  After a long hard Winter even the most die hard neutral lovers are ready to inject some serious color into their fashion lives, myself included.  This Spring it's all about a softer palette.  Pastels were used by designers in everything from clothing, to handbags to accessories.  In my last blog I touched upon what I like to call big bird yellow and which the Pantone people are calling freesia.  While I have not quite started going all out with these colors simply because it still feels pretty chilly, I have started to dabble and easy myself into the Spring trends.  About a month ago I got a manicure in the periwinkle color which is going to be so big for Spring.  This color is super easy to wear because it looks really good on all skin tones and goes easily with neutrals. It popped against my often all black ensembles and I got tons of compliments which never killed anybody.  I also started to play around with the lavendar.  I haven't picked it up in clothes form yet (we have some amazing stuff coming in this color) but I did do it in an eyeshadow which was a fun change.  The mint color I just got in a super soft button up shirt that just came in.  I wore it with black jeans which kind of reminded me of my favorite childhood ice cream (baskin robbins mint chocolate chip).  As those of you who follow my blog know, I love to wear neutral colors and in the past have added a pop of color with accessories.  The Spring colors make me feel like I can take baby steps to wear more color in clothing.  While I do think it all looks great with black, I'm actually more excited to wear it with lighter wash jeans, greys, beiges (also part of the Spring 2014 Pantone color report) and of course with eachother!  After feeling like I've been in a shell all Winter I'm ready to bust out and just float along in these pretty pastels!

What do you think?  Will you embrace the Spring 2014 palette?  Come check us out soon becuase new things are arriving daily in all these colors and more!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Big Bird Yellow

For Spring, a huge color I have been seeing in everyone's collections from handbags, to clothing, to accessories is yellow. It's a true pop of color and every time I see it, I am reminded of Big Bird and his yellow feathers, thus, I have dubbed it Big Bird Yellow.  I have never been a huge yellow fan but after this never ending Winter I am feeling ready to embrace it, wear it, and am really looking forward to the yellow totes we have coming, yellow baggallinis (already here), and other yellow accessories to pop your wardrobe. I plan on personally getting a handbag or tote in this color (I'm not ready to go for it in clothing just yet) and wearing it with greys or black.  I think this gives a really fresh and exciting injection to my otherwise neutral and go-to basics.  This bright yellow just feels like sunshine and Spring which, Lord knows, we all are ready for.

To see some more looks for Spring 2014 featuring big bird yellow click here

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lupita the Godess

Fashion can now be officially divided into B.L. (before Lupita) and A.L. (after Lupita).  Yes, I am referring to Lupita Nyong'o.  This woman rocks my world!  She is so gorgeous, not afraid to take fashion risks, knows what colors look good on her and pulls it all of with sickening grace and confidence.  I did a little reading up on her as well and it just gets better.  Lupita was born in Mexico City to Kenyan parents and according to tradition was named after events of the day.  She graduated from Hampshire college and then Yale and has written, directed and produced a documentary about the treatment of Kenya's albino population.  It doesn't stop there though, as well as starring in television shows, and major hollywood movies she was recently named one of the 2014 faces for Miu Miu.  This woman is leading and inspiring by example. Go Lupita!  

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Glimmer of Hope

I know we should be living in the moment and not wishing the time away, but when its as cold as a witch's boobies (I remember the first time I heard the real version of that when I was little and my silent shock.  I still laugh when I think about that) it's hard not to be dreaming of summer.  Oh the parties, the barbecues, the beach, the bike rides!

At a shoe show I went to earlier this week I was looking at sandals with such longing and excitement and then it happened.  I spotted her from about 25 feet away.  She was so classy, so fun, so practical yet glamorous at the same time.  I was in love!!!  Yes ladies, that's right, I found the most glorious summer sandal that I can wear to any and every function possible.  I am already planning on getting two pairs.  One to wear and one to have in the wings once I wear the first pair out.  So hopefully the thought of yourself wearing a sandal that you feel amazing in AND can walk in with the sun shining and your head held high (not crunched down into your coat) will bring a smile to your face and give you a glimmer of hope that warmer weather will eventually come. Just know, that Williams Shoes and Williams Next Door will be attending several shows in the next months, planning and carefully choosing the best styles and price-points for you for Spring/Summer 2014.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Stylish Little Pig

You may have heard of the 3 stylish little pigs. The first built  her wardrobe out of flimsy materials that lost their shape.  The second built her wardrobe out of trendy items that went out of style in a season.   The third little pig built her wardrobe out of stylish yet timeless pieces investing in good quality for the things she knew she would wear all the time.  Long story short, out of the 3 pigs the third one looked effortlessly cool, lived a more stress free life and was known as a stylish gal for all of her days.

At one point or another, every woman I know has had her room in total chaos with clothes strewn about everywhere 10 minutes before she is supposed to be heading out the door.  Why do we do this to ourselves?  In times like these I think there are two things to do to mitigate the insanity and pull off looking and feeling good.

1. The first is the old acronym my SAT instructor was always mentioning, K.I.S.S. (keep It Simple Stupid).  You can always take the basics and pair it with something a little more zesty. Having simple, classic, flattering pieces will always be great building blocks.

2.The second thing is to have the basics already in your closet.  Don't wait until the last minute to try and find these. When you see them and you like how they fit, get them!  You won't regret it.  Below are a few of my favorite basic items every woman should have which will take the stress out of dressing. 

A great pair of black pants.  Our ponte pant (they have a slimming line down the front) has been a best seller and we now have all sizes back in stock.  Comfortable, slightly dressy and super flattering.  They are a must!  $95


This black and silver necklace makes a statement, is nice and light and goes with everything.  Unique enough to add a finishing touch, simple enough to not overpower.  $32

A basic black pair of boots (sandals in the summer) you can wear with dresses, skirts and pants to slightly dressier events AND everyday.  Not only that but they are super comfortable.  Your basics should be as comfortable as possible because you will be wearing them a lot! $185

Once you have amazing good quality basics, adding inexpensive, trendy and more flavorful pieces with prints textures and sass becomes easy.  Just remember: the smartest stylish little pigs build their wardrobe with great basics!

What do you think?  What are your favorite basics?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chiberia Street Style

So as the new year gets rolling,  I am going to be incorporating a street style portion to my blogging.  Today, with temperatures of around -10 degrees I decided to start doing this.  Needless to say it was challenging.  I have not sorted out the details of a fancy camera just yet and on top of it all, it is so so cold outside it makes doing much of anything difficult.  I hope you enjoy despite the amateur nature of my first Chicago street style blog.  

I love the "his and hers" look this couple's got going on.  I also like the big pompom she has on her hat.  It gives a whimsical touch when pure practicality reigns.

While this outfit may not appear to be much, the print on this jacket is really quite fabulous.  Purple ombre and plaid; at the same damn time!  

And putting us all to shame is this woman rocking her leopard coat and stylish hat at the grocery store.    Far and away the most put together person I saw out and about and you all know how I feel about leopard print.  'Nuff said.

Mirrored reflections.  Gotta give the masses, splashes, of color, even if I do live in Chiberia.