Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Splurge

Most people would like to eat a brownie and buy fabulous expensive fashion every day but neither our waistlines nor our pocket books would appreciate that.  This is why I propose splurging in moderation! Everyone has categories they favor over others.  Some people go nuts over jewelry.  Some people get going over a pair of amazing designer jeans.  Some ladies love a handbag.  Others find a new pair of shoes  simply irresistible.  Whatever your weak spot is I think that on occasion you should make a calculated splurge on something you love that makes you feel amazing.  Just like anything in life you need to know when to keep your nose to the grindstone and say no and when to throw caution to the wind and say yes!  I love great jewelry and a good pair of shoes that make an outfit.  In the past this is where I have invested in better quality items.  In general I am just as happy in reasonably priced clothes especially since I find that even great quality clothes if you wear them often enough only last so long.    Imagine my surprise when I came across a new kind of love.  It was handbag love and I fell hard.  A bag I just couldn't resist that was slightly (plus a little bit) out of my price range.  I normally will move on but I felt that this would be a game changer.  It is a black leather tote with a bumpy texture and something I think is classic yet interesting and a bag I will have for a long time.  It won't go out of style and will be something my grandkids will think is so cool when they raid my closet.  When I wear this bag I instantly feel like my whole outfit looks awesome.  It gives me a "look."  Whatever your splurge item ends up being, anticipate.  Put away a little money every month because these finds always pop up when you are not looking.  It should not be something you kind of want, it should be something you love. You may not even need it but you know you will use it and wear it.  Invest in a piece that just feels right and will become an old dear friend over time.

What do you think?  Have you ever splurged on an item and been so happy you did?

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