Friday, January 17, 2014

A Glimmer of Hope

I know we should be living in the moment and not wishing the time away, but when its as cold as a witch's boobies (I remember the first time I heard the real version of that when I was little and my silent shock.  I still laugh when I think about that) it's hard not to be dreaming of summer.  Oh the parties, the barbecues, the beach, the bike rides!

At a shoe show I went to earlier this week I was looking at sandals with such longing and excitement and then it happened.  I spotted her from about 25 feet away.  She was so classy, so fun, so practical yet glamorous at the same time.  I was in love!!!  Yes ladies, that's right, I found the most glorious summer sandal that I can wear to any and every function possible.  I am already planning on getting two pairs.  One to wear and one to have in the wings once I wear the first pair out.  So hopefully the thought of yourself wearing a sandal that you feel amazing in AND can walk in with the sun shining and your head held high (not crunched down into your coat) will bring a smile to your face and give you a glimmer of hope that warmer weather will eventually come. Just know, that Williams Shoes and Williams Next Door will be attending several shows in the next months, planning and carefully choosing the best styles and price-points for you for Spring/Summer 2014.

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