Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fake It 'Til You Make It

My sister and I went out over the Thanksgiving weekend and she wore a very sassy outfit, a vintage wool striped jacket, a navy felt fedora type hat and a red lightweight scarf.  We caught a glimpse of our reflection in a window and she said, "Oh my God, I look like Woody from Toy Story!" "Yeah but you look like the most stylish Woody that every lived," I said, "Just rock it. Don't ever let 'em see you sweat."

Fast forward to two weeks later and I found myself having left the house in a scramble and a haste and looking like what my sister and I (after texting her a pic of my fashion faux pas) dubbed "cardigan-cowgirl gone wrong."  I got off the train and was hoping I wouldn't see anyone I knew.  "No," I told myself, "you got this.  Just act like you have the best outfit you ever wore on right now."  "Fake it til you make it" as they say.

Woody and I
With the holidays coming up a lot of feelings of anxiety can surface about what family and friends may think of our appearances, "successes" and "failures" over the past year and general judgements. Sometimes in fashion and in life, you just have to have a chin-up, fighting spirit (and a laugh here and there) and make the best of your decisions while hoping you live another day to give it another go.  Today you might have to fake it but tomorrow you may make it. 

What do you think?  Have you ever done or worn something you regret?  What do you do?

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