Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Subtly Sexy

In our fast paced world of instant gratification, gratuitous nudity, overt ostentation and generally over processed everything, one can easily become bored and nauseated simultaneously.  Subtlety is a dying art and one which I thoroughly enjoy utilizing.  It's not always the obvious or expected route but it leads the mind there in its own clever way.  I think a relatively straight forward and simple example of this is the classic black sheer hosiery with the line that goes up the back, which we currently have at RELISH (see image to the left) which also happen to be great for a holiday party!  Done obviously these tights could be paired with a mini skirt and a revealing top showing ample decolletage.  There is nothing wrong with this and someone wearing this could look great, but there are times when you want to be sexy but in a more sophisticated and understated way.  What I like to see these tights with, is flat shoes (or low heel just for a little elongation of the legs), ankle booties would be nice.  A skirt or dress that hits at or just above the knee leaving the viewer to imagine just where the extension of that line goes.  For the top I would put a chunky black sweater or something with an asymetrical hem could be nice to offset the vertical lines of the tights.  As always jewelry and a scarf to pull the look together.  An interesting hat could also be a nice touch.

The point is, when a viewer sees this outfit they take in multiple ideas at the same time creating a more complex whole concept.  Sure the tights are sexy but paired with lower shoes and a chunky sweater they become a wink and a nod to sexuality, the idea of possibility as opposed to directly spoon feeding straight sex to whomever has eyeballs. In many ways this is taking back control of dressing from the perspective of the hegemonic "male gaze" and truly a subversive thing to do.  It makes someone ask, "Who IS she?"  Which is simply, very intriguing and very sexy.

What do you find sexy? How do you dress to express this?  Do you agree or disagree with this post?  I would love to hear!

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Best Present

There is a certain phenomenon that seems to have pervaded the Midwest.  I've seen it enough times to even go so far as to call it somewhat of a trend. I hesitate to speak on it but it must be said and please know, I say it with love.  Sometimes I have clients who come in looking for a few things to snazz up their wardrobe before they go on a trip like many of us do when we head off on an adventure.  I have noticed these trips usually tend to be either to New York or Europe (specifically Paris).  In hushed tones of respect they mention they want to up their game a bit because they want to look more put together since Parisian (or New York) women are so fashionable and they don't want to be embarrassed by their usual, daily style fare.

So, here's the thing, while I also celebrate and admire my stylish sistren inhabiting the East Coast and gay Paris and love getting inspiration from them, I don't understand waiting to jooj up your style until you go on a trip for 3-7 days out of your year where no one you even know will see you. What are we, your most immediate Chicago style sisters?! Chopped liver?!  We wanna see you looking sassy too!  I think it's important to take pride in your appearance on a daily basis.  It's a form of being present in the here and now and not waiting for the future or a few days of your life where you are on vacation (read fantasy) to present your best self.  It's harder to maintain something long term as opposed to a few days where you have no strict schedule but that's precisely why it's important.

There is lots of talk floating around about being mindful and to me that doesn't just magically happen, it's comprised of lots of little pieces.  It's engaging in your community, not always multitasking with technology while walking, it's slowing down and enjoying your food and it's looking and feeling good about yourself TODAY because who knows what tomorrow will bring.

What do you think?  Do you or someone you know wait to go on a trip to pull yourself together? I would love to hear!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Wink And A Nod

They say there is nothing new under the Sun and this seems to be quite true.  There is, however, evolution.  The same thing taking on new shape or applied in a different way.  This concept is one of my favorite ways to dress and also the path to originality.  I love to take inspiration from my favorite artists and rework it.  It's less of a direct copy and more of a wink and a nod to those who have come before me.

 I love Sophia Loren and Bruce Lee.  I'm not going to head out of my house wearing the exact martial arts attire Bruce donned in one of my favorite Kung Fu movies, "Enter the Dragon" and I'm not going to head out of my house trying to turn myself into Sophia; there was only one, and to try and replicate her exactly would not only be futile but also a bit outdated. What I would do is pay homage.  I might put my looser black pants with an ankle band which allude to the idea of a ninja/samurai/eastern warrior and I might pair that with a dramatic cat eye, faux fur hat (currently at RELISH) and pearls.  Voila! Just like that we have taken two things and paired them to create an evolved and hybrid original idea.  It's personal and shows what inspires me.  While not everyone is going to see what you have done they will viscerally understand its authenticity.

You will never be able to explain to people fully who you are but you can give them a glimpse by giving them a glimpse into your mind and what you are drawn to and what speaks to you.  If you love Frida Kahlo and Tupac maybe a poncho and a white bandana can be your wink and a nod. Whatever it is, expressing yourself and finding ways to incorporate art on a daily basis are good for the soul and good for the soul of all who catch you crossing the street, buying a coffee or stepping onto the train.  Perhaps Picasso said it best with the phrase, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." Let's get to dedusting shall we!?

What do you think?  Do your favorite artists influence how you dress?  I would love to hear!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Transitions! Transitions!

As the leaves start to turn, the temperatures cool down and that feeling of Fall is in the air I usually tend to get a tad emo (emotional).  I am always sad to see Summer go and always begin to brace my mind and gird my loins for the stretch of brutality ahead.  That being said, I also love the change of seasons because it's always a chance for a fresh start; A chance to try again, do better, and reinvent.  RELISH is stocked and chocked (full) of gorgeous new sweaters, pants, scarves, handbags, and accessories.  We worked really hard to put together a cohesive collection of sophisticated, classy, fun and wearable items.  Even if you are not doing a full wardrobe revamp adding a few choice pieces can really refresh what you have and make you feel energized.  Here are my top picks for Fall transition.

Scarf:  A new scarf can always freshen things up.  You can never have too many because there are so many beautiful prints and textures to play with.  Scarves are often the finishing touch an outfit needs for drama, flair and to feel complete.  Winter can feel heavy and dark with the darker colors we tend to wear so I love this dip dyed silk and cashmere scarf.  It feels fun and classy at the same time and easily goes with almost anything making it a worthwhile investment. 

Clutch: This zipper pouch made from recycled plastic is only $10 and I love to use it as a clutch when I go out to hear jazz or for dinner (really anything where I'm not standing all night so I can set it down).  Its fun and playful and I like the juxtaposition of something inexpensive with some of my nicer sweaters and scarves. 

Booties: A good ankle boot is essential for transition into Fall.  I got this style from our shoe store, Williams Shoes, and have barely taken them off since.  They are a nice height because you can't see the hem of any of my skinny jeans but they're not too high either.  A tall leather boot this early in the season feels too heavy but it IS getting chilly so these are a nice in between look, not to mention they go well with pretty much everything!

Sweater and Knit Ponte Pant:  A classic lightweight sweater with an interesting detail (in this case the diagonal hem) is a great new piece that's also functional.  Because we do hard Winter living here making sure your sweaters are in good condition is important.  Things that look pilly and old should be removed from your closet so you won't be tempted to wear them.  Look good, feel good as we always say.  The ponte pants featured are a navy and we also have them available in plum and charcoal as well as black.  I love pants in a color because it's something a little different.  The weight of these is a nice thicker knit so they block the wind pretty well and hold up to chunkier knits as well as dressy or casual tops.  The rich navy and plum also look fabulous with jewel tones giving you full on color from head to toe while still being seasonally apropos.  These pants are a client favorite and look great on many different body types.

So what do you think?  What are your favorite ways to freshen your wardrobe for Fall?  I would love to hear!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Freak What You Feel

I can't remember exactly where I first heard the phrase, "Freak What You Feel."   I think it was a quote from an article interviewing different creatives.  It jumped out from the page at me and seems to have stuck in my brain because I say it to myself relatively often now.  It's got swagger, alliteration, truth and rebellion, all wrapped up in 4 little words.  The picture featured is a photo of me freaking what I feel.  In the spirit of the 4th of July and independence, RELISH in your self expression, enjoy the time you have with the people you choose and lastly, Freak On.

P.S.  If you feel so inclined, send me a pic of you freaking what you feel with your style to RELISH706@GMAIL.COM and I will post it to our fb page.  I think it will be amazing to see what everyone sends in.   

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Little Suzie

Little Suzie gets up one hour and forty minutes before she needs to leave for work.  She spends 10 minutes making coffee, 45 minutes drinking it and reading the news, 20 minutes to shower and put on makeup and 15 minutes stretching: 

 Q1: How much time does little Suzie have left to get dressed?  

A: 10 minutes
B: Assuming she can find the top she wanted to wear, just enough time
C: She still has to gather her stuff and put on her shoes so really only 7
D: If she hates the first outfit she thought she would like and has to try on 2 more, not enough time.
E: All of the above

Before we get to the answer I have another question.

Q2: What is time and does it even exist? 

A: Yes it does, it's broken down into past, present and future, seconds, minutes, hours and days.
B: It's a social construct and is just a figment of our imagination
C: Your boss doesn't give a shit about these types of philosophical questions and your ass will be fired if you're not at your desk on time.
D: All of the above


Q1: E
Q2: D

So at some point or another you may have known a "friend" just like little Suzie.  On any given day depending on circumstances she may or may not be running a few minutes late and rarely is she not rushing.  Full disclosure, I myself, have on occasion, been a "Little Suzie."  I have always struggled with mornings.  Staying up late has come easily to me but mornings, however, are a different story.  Mornings and I have been battling since I was a child, and after thirty years I am waving my white flag.  There were just a few too many mornings that I felt rushed or something popped up that made me wish I had just another 10 minutes.  I started getting up earlier, stretching for longer, and getting ready at a slower and steadier pace.  My days have become more peaceful, and I have found my mornings to be much more enjoyable.  It's not always easy but committing to giving myself enough time has also improved my style.  I waste less time, and make better decisions.  I also did a SERIOUS closet clean out and got rid of anything and everything that didn't make me feel good or had seen its day.  Eliminating the clutter and unwanted excess in my closet has significantly upgraded what I put together and allowed me to express myself in a way I am enjoying even more. 

So what do you think?  Do you give yourself enough time to put together an outfit you feel great in?  Is your closet in proper condition to allow optimum outfit coordination?  Have you ever finally changed a habit you previously couldn't break?  How did you do it?  I would love to hear!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Shake-Up

When I was 12 years old I woke up and decided to cut off all my hair (1 inch long all around).  After a healthy dose of regret and a river of tears, it grew back along with a strong desire never to cut my hair again.  I have also worn glasses since I was about 10 years old but had never found a pair I felt was stylish or gave me the look I was going for, so I have always worn contacts outside of the house and worn my glasses while I am at home.  As I approach 30 this summer, I just felt I needed a shake-up.  It's not that I haven't been doing what I want or like I just needed to inject a little something new into my reality. 

Sometimes, people move to a different city, make the decision to end a long-term relationship or leave their career as a way to get a fresh start.  All is well and good with these dramatic changes, yet there are times we want something that will be less life-altering but still get that feeling of exciting and new.  A great way to do this is through style.

I woke up not to long ago and realized I had, had the same hair cut/length for almost 15 years.  I thought about it and was unimpressed with my attachment to my long hair so I cut it.  I also have found my eyes becoming more fatigued throughout the day from wearing contacts for so many years. I knew I needed to get a pair of glasses I liked enough and felt good enough wearing to rock outside my house.  I decided to drop the cash on a pair that I really loved and that felt great (read: properly fit my face and not heavy).  I wanted a "look" but also something that went with the clothes and jewelry I like to wear.  I didn't want my glasses or my hair to be an after thought to me and my style I wanted them be synergistic components.

I have loved these small but significant shake-ups and they have given me a lot of fun new ways to play.  What do you think?  Have you made some "shake-up" decisions lately that have kept you on your toes?  I would love to hear about it!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Relish Goes To Florida

I recently met up with my beautiful-in-every-way sister in Florida to visit my Grandmother and soak up some much needed Vitamin D.  It's been slow to warm up in Chicago so I couldn't wait to wear some of my favorite new pieces from the RELISH Spring collection.  As the trip came to an end it brilliantly dawned on us to do a quick impromptu photo shoot.  Obviously, all these pieces can be styled in so many different ways which is what we love to find; versatile and comfortable items you can wear in a variety of locations and scenarios.  Come in soon to see and play with our beautiful Spring selection.  As always, we are here to help you put together a style that looks and feels like the best version of YOU!

Our easy printed dress paired with our reversible bucket hat

We paired this pink leather jacket with sneakers and jeans but it can easily be paired with something dressier!

These lightweight floral pants are sooo comfortable and double lined so they aren't see-through!  We paired it with our striped cap-sleeved top and beaded necklace

My favorite new Spring sweater paired with jean shorts and open choker.  This sweater is lightweight and with just a little something interesting with the various size stripes

Printed leggings with one of our Italian scarves we wrapped as a top and super comfortable woven raffia hat from Colombia.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

All My (Neglected) Children

On this episode of, All My (Neglected) Children, I present to you one of my babies.  She's beautiful and has great flow.  She exudes a feminine, goddess-like quality.  I like to think of her as harmonious.  She's bigger but still delicate.  She has a heavier, rich tone but lightweight as well; strong but also soft, piecey yet cohesive. If you haven't noticed, I think she's synergetic greatness, which is why I am here to announce that she deserves more love and attention! 

My baby, the necklace I'm wearing to the left, is something that I really loved right away when I saw it.  Fair-trade and hand-made in Guatemala (read: made with good vibez), it seemed like a piece that could make a beautiful style statement but still be comfortable and easy to wear. At $36 she's super chill and modest, who wouldn't want a gal like that around?

Imagine my surprise when she and her siblings arrived at RELISH and so few people seemed to be relishing her.  I looked at her and like most women seem to know their children, I realized she has been misunderstood and simply needed better representation.  So ladies, take a second look at my neglected baby.  What do you think, does Mother know best?  Does she deserve another shot?

Thank you and I rest my case.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

If You Were A Yak

If you were a yak you would laugh at 0 degrees Fahrenheit.  If you were a yak you would toss back your head covered in long shaggy yak wool and laugh with your yak friends before heading out for an afternoon frolic in the frigid temperatures that felt like no more than a delightful breeze whispering sweet nothings against your plush, dense coat.  Unfortunately, since you are a human, more than 3 minutes outside in 0 degrees Fahrenheit feels like a hearty thrashing from a cat o' nine tails in the hand of Captain Bligh himself.

 Luckily for you, while we can not turn you into a yak we can get you as close as possible to being a yak while still remaining human with our yak wool pashminas. These scarves, literally brought to us directly from Nepal are the warmest things since baked bread, freshly sliced.  I have taken to wearing mine over my coat for added warmth and style as well as around the house.  Men and women alike have become hooked to these scarves because they soothe and comfort in a vast tundra of chill and despair.  Anyway, come check these out for yourself.  If you are feeling that Winter lack, just come get the yak!