Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Shake-Up

When I was 12 years old I woke up and decided to cut off all my hair (1 inch long all around).  After a healthy dose of regret and a river of tears, it grew back along with a strong desire never to cut my hair again.  I have also worn glasses since I was about 10 years old but had never found a pair I felt was stylish or gave me the look I was going for, so I have always worn contacts outside of the house and worn my glasses while I am at home.  As I approach 30 this summer, I just felt I needed a shake-up.  It's not that I haven't been doing what I want or like I just needed to inject a little something new into my reality. 

Sometimes, people move to a different city, make the decision to end a long-term relationship or leave their career as a way to get a fresh start.  All is well and good with these dramatic changes, yet there are times we want something that will be less life-altering but still get that feeling of exciting and new.  A great way to do this is through style.

I woke up not to long ago and realized I had, had the same hair cut/length for almost 15 years.  I thought about it and was unimpressed with my attachment to my long hair so I cut it.  I also have found my eyes becoming more fatigued throughout the day from wearing contacts for so many years. I knew I needed to get a pair of glasses I liked enough and felt good enough wearing to rock outside my house.  I decided to drop the cash on a pair that I really loved and that felt great (read: properly fit my face and not heavy).  I wanted a "look" but also something that went with the clothes and jewelry I like to wear.  I didn't want my glasses or my hair to be an after thought to me and my style I wanted them be synergistic components.

I have loved these small but significant shake-ups and they have given me a lot of fun new ways to play.  What do you think?  Have you made some "shake-up" decisions lately that have kept you on your toes?  I would love to hear about it!


  1. "Synergistic components." Nice work.

  2. I plan to get this book -The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing - and take baby steps to unclutter, become more mindful and in the present.

  3. I have heard of this book Grace! Sounds really interesting. Let me know how it goes :)
