Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Wink And A Nod

They say there is nothing new under the Sun and this seems to be quite true.  There is, however, evolution.  The same thing taking on new shape or applied in a different way.  This concept is one of my favorite ways to dress and also the path to originality.  I love to take inspiration from my favorite artists and rework it.  It's less of a direct copy and more of a wink and a nod to those who have come before me.

 I love Sophia Loren and Bruce Lee.  I'm not going to head out of my house wearing the exact martial arts attire Bruce donned in one of my favorite Kung Fu movies, "Enter the Dragon" and I'm not going to head out of my house trying to turn myself into Sophia; there was only one, and to try and replicate her exactly would not only be futile but also a bit outdated. What I would do is pay homage.  I might put my looser black pants with an ankle band which allude to the idea of a ninja/samurai/eastern warrior and I might pair that with a dramatic cat eye, faux fur hat (currently at RELISH) and pearls.  Voila! Just like that we have taken two things and paired them to create an evolved and hybrid original idea.  It's personal and shows what inspires me.  While not everyone is going to see what you have done they will viscerally understand its authenticity.

You will never be able to explain to people fully who you are but you can give them a glimpse by giving them a glimpse into your mind and what you are drawn to and what speaks to you.  If you love Frida Kahlo and Tupac maybe a poncho and a white bandana can be your wink and a nod. Whatever it is, expressing yourself and finding ways to incorporate art on a daily basis are good for the soul and good for the soul of all who catch you crossing the street, buying a coffee or stepping onto the train.  Perhaps Picasso said it best with the phrase, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." Let's get to dedusting shall we!?

What do you think?  Do your favorite artists influence how you dress?  I would love to hear!

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