Thursday, November 29, 2012

Channeling yourself!

Where better to take inspiration from this holiday season than a child!  Remember when colors ruled your world, sparkles rocked your world and all things kooky were the cat's pajamas?  Most of us have toned things down a bit since those days of rainbow colored knee socks paired with the corduroy skirt with the skateboarding squirrels how I loved that ensemble.  We have opted for sophistication, maturity, class and in the process perhaps lost some of the magic.  So this holiday season let's channel our inner child.  I don't think any of us is ready to completely abandon our current selves in favor of donning a tutu and wings to the grocery store a la our old-selves but I think we can take inspiration from our carefree and creative days.  Wear the LBD (little black dress) that fits your womanly curves like a glove but layer on the sparkles with crystal necklaces.  Abandon the bib that used to accompany your onesies and instead opt for the bib necklace!  We particularly love this one which is like a princess party on steroids.  If the subtle homage to yourself feels too...subtle, consider trying this Gucci inspired studded dress.  A funky little clutch like our blueQ zipper pouches can inject some whimsy into your outfit.  One of my favorite pieces I got this season is a snake ring layered with crystals (see pic above).  It's big and obnoxious and so much fun!  The holidays can be stressful so remember to not take yourself too seriously and don't be afraid to try something a little more creative, colorful, sparkly, or outrageous because the holidays are supposed to be festive.  It's time to be a little extra nice, or naughty or fashionable!  Whatever you choose to wear this holiday season we wish you health, happiness and lots of joy all while looking and feeling fabulous!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dressing for Thanksgiving

So Thanksgiving is right around the corner and the turkey is not the only thing that will need to be dressed. Now it may come as no surprise that you can not show up to Thanksgiving dinner naked and you will have to put on some clothes but what you choose to dress yourself in is the question here.  Thanksgiving for my family has always been our biggest holiday.  Lots of family comes in from out of town and we do a kind of classy buffet style potluck dinner.  We have our typical  Thanksgiving dishes and the ones that are probably a little different like the little tiny hotdogs in jam sauce or the marinated shrimp and onions.  We evaluate which dish came out a little dry or which dishes we love or hate (I am not a fan of the jello fruit compote thing that almost everyone else seems to love). Half way through our first serving we start giving each other tips of which thing to get seconds of and what was so delicious it doesn't matter the calories, just enjoy it because we won't eat that until next year again.  So everyone knows that food is the star of Thanksgiving but in my family we also always dress up for the occasion.  Nothing fancy or over the top but everyone puts thought into what they wear (even the guys) and all try and look nice and festive.   I think it's our way of saying we love each other in a way.  Plus, in the wise words of my mother, "Look good, feel good." We take time to look good for work or parties or presentations so why shouldn't we look good for our dearest friends and family?   I always try and find the balance between comfort and style because Lord knows this is not the holiday to be wearing all sorts of restricting items.  Leggings or stretchy jeans, boots and a loose-ish sweater in a beautiful jewel tone I think is going to be my outfit of choice this season.  To accessorize and draw the eye up towards my face (and away from the belly full of sweet potatoes with melted marshmallows, yumm!) a dramatic pair of earrings and  layering necklaces will stylize and brighten this casual yet chic outfit.  What do you ladies like to wear to Thanksgiving?  How does your family typically do it?  From casual to dressy to somewhere in the middle come in and we would love to help you feel like the best you for your loved ones and to celebrate in style all the things we have to be thankful for!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Winter White Done Right!

White after labor day has been generally accepted in the fashion world for years now and I think most women feel fine about wearing it once the weather begins to turn frosty.  In fact, it even reflects the kind of cozy luxury so many of us associate with a winter wonderland.  Recently Gwyneth Paltrow wore an all white outfit to her 40th birthday to much applause from around the web.  A while back I wrote about taking your white summer pieces into fall by putting them with fall-ish items.  Well now that the cold is setting in, its time for Winter white which is different.  Winter white seems to work best when worn in fabrics that fit the weather.  Think chunky knits, wool, and heavier materials.  A cream or off white also known as winter white also ends up being less stark and breezy feeling.  I know this color can be a little more work and you will  have to dry clean it more often than your other things but it is worth it.  I personally prefer a winter white top as opposed to pants or skirts simply because I find those get dirtier.  For those with a lighter complexion, sometimes in winter we lose a bit of the natural glow from the sun so remember to dab on a bit of lipstick or tinted chapstick and add a drop of dewy blush to ensure you don't look washed out (even though we don't specialize in make-up stop by Next Door if you want to compare notes, I have tried quite a few things in my day and have found my tried and true make-up staples).  The winter white look with a bright bracelet or necklace is a great look for a party where you want to be comfortable, cozy yet classy.  To channel your real inner snow queen, crystal jewelry such as our beautiful new crystal and silver earrings will really get you icy :)  Stop in soon to do your version of winter white juuuust right!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How to look amazing in 15 minutes (possibly 10)

So~ if you are like me, you probably went to bed with grand ideas of getting up early to stretch, maybe do some writing or meditate a bit to prepare yourself for the day.   You maybe even thought you were going to clean a bit because you read in real simple once that if you wipe down your bathroom every day it never needs a deep clean.  Fast-forward 7 hours later and that super annoying beeping sound goes off in your kitchen (where you put it to force yourself to actually have to get out of bed to turn off so you don't press snooze a gazillion times).  If you are STILL like me your body feels like someone has injected you with a horse tranquilizer and you can barely move.

 After the alarm goes off  sometimes, I somehow end up back in bed not meditating, not writing, not stretching, and definitely not cleaning. On these days I know what needs to be done in order to maintain a stylish look and still get to work on time.  The answer is black + accessories.  When your morning has not gone the way you were hoping and you are in a bit of a rush, the answer to looking like you spent 40 minutes getting ready when really you only spent 15 is the following:

5 minutes putting on your make-up (this step can be eliminated at home if you have a second set at work which I do)

5 minutes putting on your all black ensemble (a black dress in summer takes about one minute but keep in mind the extra 2 minutes it will require with tights in the winter).  Invest in black jeans or perhaps the black corduroy leggings we have if you don't already have them.  They will change your life. Throw on a black textured sweater or some sort of black top that has something interesting about it whether it's leather accents or a sheen.  Look for these when you shop.  Remember, black but with something interesting.

4 minutes layering on the necklaces, earrings, bracelets and stylish scarf

1 minute picking out your comfortable yet cool shoes that may or may not be black. I love the color of the season, burgundy, with an all black ensemble but currently have been throwing on my grey platform boots from Kork-ease quite often, because they look edgy, break up the black, and are super comfortable so I can book it to the bus and still arrive at work in style!  Do not be afraid of a brown shoe this is a very european chic look.  If you go with a brown shoe make it a lighter whiskey brown and tie it in with a scarf that has some brown/tan/beige tones in it.

My last advice on this matter is make the jewelry statement pieces or things that will stand up to an all black look.  This will make it look more "on purpose."  Just have these pieces on stand bye.  A big watch, a bright necklace or several.  If the pieces are smaller make sure they have a bit of sparkle (black onyx is killer on black clothing because it shines without being over the top).  Come in to Williams Shoes to find your amazingly stylish and comfortable shoes and stop by Next Door to find your easy yet interesting black pieces for those days when things just didn't go as planned!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In Heaven, Masculine Meets Feminine

I remember when I was in the third grade, a boy named Corey wore a purple corduroy skirt to school.  It completely baffled the entire class. The third grade world was all a'twitter before there even was Twitter. It was all anyone could talk about. When asked why he wore a skirt to school he simply said, "I wanted to.  Why can only girls wear skirts?"  Wow!  So simple. So true.  Out of the mouths of babes as they say.  Fashion has always reflected the climate of the world; politics, art, technology.  Coco Chanel is credited as making it acceptable for women to wear pants.  Now 80 years later Marc Jacobs, one of today's most recognized designers, can often be seen sporting a dress.  The times are a changin' and the hard and fast rules of what women and men can wear, from fabrics to colors, to shapes have gone out the window leaving a veritable fashion playground, and this season women are like kids at recess!   Mixing feminine and masculine can be a fun way to dabble with your personal style.  Combining looser fits with more figure hugging silhouettes can create a more interesting look than just the expected.  Big trends we are seeing this season are men's oxford style shoes and smoking slippers being paired with softer hues and feminine lines.  Put on an over-sized sweater with your skinny jeans.  Don a tough boot with a frilly flirty dress (Frye boots have been a long time "go to" for this look. (now available at Williams Shoes).  For some much celebrated inspiration in this vain check out Diane Keaton in Annie Hall.  One of the things I personally love about this style is it portrays a confident woman who isn't afraid to challenge the traditional idea of femininity or masculinity for that matter.  A woman who knows not everyone is going to approve of the look and doesn't care is a woman I care for. It can be comfortable and stylish and so easy to make personal.  This season in fashion heaven:  Masculine meets feminine!

Monday, October 8, 2012

All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go?

"This is such a lovely top but I have nowhere to wear this."  I'm sorry what?  Ladies! What is this?!  I often hear this while at the shop and I have to say this kills me.  I understand that perhaps not everyday you want to put on a dress or wear something "dressier."  I know those jeans and cotton tees call your name every time you open the closet doors but I am of the belief that every women should on occasion go somewhere and do something that you get a little dressed up for.  No one is saying 4" heels and a mini, I'm just saying a little style, a little prep, a small step up from the every day ordinary many of us slide into for the sake of convenience and comfort.  Ok say you, but I still have no where to go.  Not buyin' it say I.  Be the master of your own destiny and call up your best girlfriend and try a new restaurant you have always wanted to go to.  Hell, invite a few girls over to the house and dress up for carry out put in fancy bowls and serve with several bottles of vino.  Find a reason to celebrate!  Some of my most fun nights have not been the crazy clubs or a hot date with Mr. Talldarkandhandsome.  The best nights have been celebrating making it to Friday, celebrating a birthday or simply just getting out of the house and being around other human beings you do not know with someone you know!  Turn on some music, have a glass of wine while you get ready.  Perhaps do a bit more dramatic eye than normal; wear that statement necklace you feel is a little too sparkly for daytime.  Whatever it is ladies,  beauty for beauties sake and dressy for the sake of not always being dressed down is important.  I encourage you to throw a few pieces into your wardrobe that spice it up.  I am sending out a call to action: Plan to do something new and wear the thing you thought you had nowhere to wear it to, there! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Monochromatic Magic

When done right head to toe of the same color can be oh so stylish and will make all your friends terribly impressed that you pulled off this edgy look.  Done wrong, risks include looking like a giant piece of candy and/or blockish. In perusing the monochromatic looks from various designers I realized that the way to make this look work on you and for you is to introduce patterns and textures.  That is where the fun of this style really comes in.  Imagine red silk pants with a chunky knit red sweater.  If you can't completely go head to toe, throw in a skinny belt in a different color or a metallic to break it up.  If you are ready to take it to the next level, different patterns of the same color on top and bottom can add a new dimension. Imagine a white and black striped top with black and white polka dot pants or something along those lines.  The two different patterns in a monochromatic head to toe (I know what I just described is really two colors but who's counting) will be a delightful fashion double trouble look.   So remember, play with textures and patterns, use different transparencies to create variation as well as mixing loose with more fitted and the monochromatic trend will be magic not mayhem for your fall wardrobe! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bordeaux Beauties

Fill up your glass and get drunk on this seasons IT color.  Wine, bordeaux, burgundy, ox blood, different names for the same ridiculously rich and gorgeous color that we are seeing EVERYWHERE this Fall.  Be it boots, handbags, chunky sweaters, leather pants,this color is easy to pair with things you already have in your closet or other Fall trends.  Anything light brown, camel or beige will be an easy match with burgundy and really cause that deep cranberry color to pop against the lighter hue.  This will also give you double wear with the black/white/beige combo being shown which I will get to in an upcoming post.  Pair it with navy or winter white to keep it rich looking.  For jewelry gold will keep it warm while silver will cool it down.  We currently have in some great pieces in this color from Only Hearts and WoodenShips Sweaters.  If you want start with the basics, I say go for this color in a boot.  It's probably different than the classic brown and black you already have, it's still dark enough to wear with everything AND not show the battle wounds of Chicago Winters.  Check out our extensive collection from Miz Mooz who featured this color throughout their Fall 2012 collection.  To see more fall trends in our delightfully edited selection this season please go to

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fall White

Making things work from one season to the next can reaaaally stretch your wardrobe and often times lead you to new and interesting outfits you may have not considered putting together before.  You may have heard of the classic summer nautical look (navy and white) and maybe you have heard the words "winter white" being tossed around here and there.  So ladies,  what's up with fall?  Can you wear white in fall?  I say, ABSOLUTELY!  Our off white ankle jean from Blank we had all summer (now 40% off)  can easily be turned into a classy fall look with a cotton knit sweater from Wooden Ships and Whiskey colored leather boots from Miz Mooz to warm things up :) The gold cutout necklace from Fair Earth really takes the outfit from good, to, great with a splash of sass. What things will you be taking from Summer into fall?  Come in and find new fabulous pieces to fallify your old ones! To see more pics of this look check out our facebook page and to buy click here!

Monday, August 13, 2012


What is P.O.V you ask?  If you ever watch the Food Network, particularly "Next Food Network Star," you will see the panel of judges constantly talking about Point Of View or P.O.V. for short.  In almost every episode they stress how important it is to have a specific point of view that makes you unique, cohesive and stylized.  It doesn't mean for a second that a contestant who defines themselves as an Italian chef could not make an Indian dish.  They just need to find a way to make it reflect their own P.O.V.  An example of this would be to incorporate Indian spices into a classic Italian pasta.  I think this idea translates beyond just food network stars and is a worthwhile thing to think about not only in your fashion style but in life.  How do you present yourself?  What does your style say about you?  Diana Vreeland, former Vogue editor and one of the most influential fashion figures of the 20th century, said "what magazines gave us was a point of view, most people haven't got a point of view."  This of course can be debated but the fact remains:  Every woman should have a point of view.  What traits about your personality do you love that you want to accentuate through your wardrobe?  I consider myself to be a fun loving, adventurous person, feminine and as a classic Leo, I love a bit of luxury.  I find myself feeling best in and dressing to express these things.  Comfortable to be ready for adventure, a bit of drama with an interesting neckline or a leather skirt to express a bit of fun and always jewelry or a voluminous scarf to add a lux feel to my outfits. What is your P.O.V.?  Come in to the store and we will personally help you find the things that make you feel your best and present YOU to the world!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lots o' Dots

Everyone who knows me well knows that I am absolutely positively the worst liar ever.  In high school my parents were going to let me have a sleep over with all my friends (sans parental supervision).  When they asked me if we were planning on having alcohol, my giggle fit had the sleep over immediately canceled and me realizing that if I had to lie to save my life I would probably end up dead.  The point is, I'm gonna be honest, this seasons trend of polka dots is not my favorite.  I find polka dots almost annoying, busy, perhaps even a bit childish.  However it's a big one for fall so I started to look into it more.  There are some extremely interesting, out of the box ways to carry this out which end up being more textural, more sophisticated and more interesting than perhaps the polka dot headbands you remember your kindergarten cohorts wearing. If you click here you can see different ways designers have put together looks for fall using dots.  I particularly like the looks that have a plain dress with a sheer black tight with small black dots peeking from under with a sassy pair of boots.  It's just a dash so to speak.  Another look I found very original is where the dots were created out of texture as opposed to the actual pattern on the tight.  Finally, where dots were taken in a more literal sense I found myself being most drawn to a dark dot against a dark background.  It's a little more unexpected and a little less..dotsy.  Our dot pattern from Sweet Pea shown above is one of the dark on dark dots and would look great with a dark jean or black dress pants and a blazer for a more corporate look.  What do you think about the lots o' dots trend we are seeing for fall?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fall Trends: Episode 3: Skin Is In

Skin bags when under your eyes are the devil's work and definitely not a fashion look to covet.  However when skin bags have a strap/s and you carry your stuff in it, it's totally fierce.  This season we are seeing bags made from skins real or fake everywhere.  Think python, ostrich, crocodile (preferably faux for the sake of the critters) to add depth and texture to any outfit.  Our crossbody bag from Latico available in black and brown is rich looking and, made from recycled materials, comes without the hefty price tag of a real animal skin bag.  We particularly love this because it's practical and classy. The cross-body feature allows you to have fun and book it while maintaining your "look."  What do you think?  Will you be rocking the skin bags this season?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fall Trends: Episode 2: The Bootie Factor

Shake your booties tra la la la.  Shake your booties.  This season booties are in every company's collection, every store and on every celebrity and I am ready to join the movement...are you?  I first started noticing these on Sienna Miller.  She was photographed multiple times wearing a pair from rag and bone.  As of late I have seen even more celebrities rocking this trend like Gwyneth Paltrow and Misha Barton.  Some of us don't have legs that go on for days and may feel hesitant that these won't be the most flattering.  I say throw on a pair of tights the same color as the booties to continue the line and make your legs look longer.  Another option is to wear them with pants that flair a bit (another big trend this season which I will get to soon).  The pair we've got that just arrived today from EVERYBODY featured above is perfect for pairing with dresses or pants and a black and brown combo always feels so European to me (almost always a good thing when it comes to fashion).  Stay tuned for the arrival of more booties and more Fall 2012 trends to come and check us out on to make them yours!

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Best Accessory

The other day as I was walking down the street by my house I noticed a guy with a casual cool summer style walking down the street with his pitbull.  The two of them both looked so happy to be together and enjoying the beautiful weather.  I realized that while this guy had great style what really made me take note was his best accessory; his dog!  Putting together a great outfit that you feel good in and reflects your mood as well as your personal style is always a good thing but sometimes the best accessory is the company you keep be it canine or otherwise. If you are happy with the people you are with, they give you positive energy, and make you feel good. That is what takes you and your outfit to a whole new level of style!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fall Trends: Episode 1: The Roaring 20's

Fall 2012 should be veeeery interesting.  The fashions this season seem to be shifting quite a bit from what we were seeing in Spring, the bright hues, prints (zig zag and chevron), bold florals and Tangerine...EVERYWHERE.  What I have noticed in the fashions coming up for fall and also a shift in my clients attitudes is people are ready for a little more sophistication, a more subdued chic. If not neutrals than rich jewel tones like navy, emerald, amethyst all will make an appearance this season.  I get asked all the time what's going to be be big for fall so here I am breaking it down.  One of the biggest trends I'm seeing for fall is the roaring 20's, the "Gatsby Girl" so to speak.  What do we know about the 20's...hmm flappers, prohibition, speakeasies, hats, and glamour..I am seeing lots of possibilities already.    This trend is particularly easy to use in accessories.  Anything crystal is being shown over and over again in jewelry.  Crystal with emerald, crystal with black its all good and all so easy to throw on with any color.  Chan Luu has made some amaaazing crystal pieces for Fall that will spice up the glam factor in any outfit.  Be sure to check out our website as we continue to update with new things so you can pick your own fall 2012 pieces.

Silver on Silver

Yesterday as I sat outside at a cafe on my day off reading the worst book ever written (50 Shades of Grey) I became rather bored and started to people watch, day dream, sip my iced chai and wonder how many times an author can say murmur and why she didn't use a thesaurus.  Anyways, out of nowhere I see a gorgeous silver Cadillac with silver detailing.  I have loved Cadillacs since as long as I can remember coveting a Gold Cadillac Coup Deville in my younger years and now admiring the more modern sleek designs which, while not as "vintage cool" would make a sassy ride for a city girl.  So why am I talking about Cadillacs when I am supposed to be writing about fashion and my boutique, Next Door?  Well seeing this gorgeous thing drive by in its subtle metallic silver with silver metal detailing made me think just how good a silver dress/top or even grey with bold silver jewelry (enough to really stand out and pop) is undeniably chic and rich looking.  They don't call them luxury cars for nothin' right?  This look can also be carried off with gold on gold or some variation of gold ie: mustard or camel and will perhaps be a bit more on trend since gold is everywhere this season.  What do you think?  Would you rock the silver on silver or gold on gold look?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Go" with Nature

Ladies. I have been M.I.A. in a major way for a long time.  However, I am back and newly dedicated to sharing my thoughts on fashion and insights I have gained from working at Next Door and Williams Shoes and observing people and their choices everyday!  One thing I encounter constantly at my store which I'm sure you encounter constantly in your closet is figuring out if things "go."  Does this color go with this color?  One thing I often use as a reference to see if things work is nature.  As we approach fall there are beautiful things happening in nature that we can take our cues from.  Think of a tree with the leaves changing.  Reds, oranges, yellows, greens, the browns and tans of the trunk and all of these in varying hues ALL on one tree.  Nature usually doesn't get things wrong especially when it comes to colors.  Beautiful sunsets, a field of flowers, the night sky with stars (think a Navy dress with silver jewelry or something white like the moon) even as things wither and fade there is a certain harmony in those colors too (think pastels).  What nature inspirations will you channel?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Orla Kiely Spring 2012

I didn't come up with a catchy title, or really much of a clever entry for the Orla Kiely Spring 2012 collection because her bags pretty much speak for themselves. A seasonal favorite she has her devoted following and attracts more devotees every year. Light and durable, fun and functional, these bags just make sense. This season is no different and she has delivered once again. Shown here is her classic stem print in this seasons colors but be sure to check out her new Spring 2012 patterns in the store and more to be added to the website soon!

Look Like A Princess

Have you ever wanted to be a Princess? Well, sorry, we can't make you a princess but we CAN make you look like one! Check out Kate Middleton in this ruffle trench which goes for a cool $1200 and then check out the similar one we now have in the store for $150. This classic trench is stylish flattering and affordable!

Go on a Bird Watch this Spring!

Along with colorful trousers and the color tangerine tango, another fun trend to watch out for this upcoming Spring is the bird print! You will see this from different companies in dresses, blouses, tanks and scarves. We picked it up in a fun and flattering dress from Ingenue London. The wrap style flatters so many figures and the navy color has a great nautical summer feel and can easily be paired with tan or brown sandals. Also stay tuned for the other fun and adventurous prints to come from them beginning of March!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Silk Kattans from Tikka

Sometimes there are beautiful things that are unattainable to most people. These things can only be dreamed about or maybe seen on occasion on someone else. Then there are things that are luxurious, beautiful, special and affordable. I'm not saying cheap, but I am saying affordable. Maybe you will have to save a bit or maybe you won't but once you have it, it will last you a long time because it is quality; because it is handmade. It will add a style and elegance to any outfit wether it be casual or dressy. Are you asking what this affordable luxury that will change your fashion life is yet?! It is the Tikka silk Katan. It is luxurious , light weight , soft, and a perfect scarf for all seasons. Its silk content ensures warmth in cooler climates globally. The Katan is also perfect for spring and evenings in resort climates around the world. The diamond weave pattern creates a 3 dimensional appearance and adds to the sheen of the yarn. They can be worn as a dressy shawl or a stylish addition to your favorite soft tee. See all the beautiful colors these come in on our website,

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pantone Color of the Year!

It has been announced! The Pantone color of the year issssss......Tangerine Tango! This vibrant and bold color is being seen in everything from bags, to jackets, to clothes to shoes! We saw it all over our trips to look for spring goodies and we loved it. Keep your eyes open for bags from Latico, dresses from Sweet Pea, scarves from Italca and so much more. All spring items will begin arriving now through may with new shipments coming in weekly so keep coming in and checking out what's new!

How to Wear: We love the idea of this hott color with white pants (we have some coming from Blank). We would shy away from black so as to avoid looking to Halloweenish. A beautiful camel colored sweater or trouser would give it a very rich high end look. If you are looking to go for the less subtle look throw it with a green or turquoise sweater for extra color. Here is to 2012 starting out sexy and fun in Tangerine Tango!

Check out more looks for Spring 2012 @