Monday, October 8, 2012

All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go?

"This is such a lovely top but I have nowhere to wear this."  I'm sorry what?  Ladies! What is this?!  I often hear this while at the shop and I have to say this kills me.  I understand that perhaps not everyday you want to put on a dress or wear something "dressier."  I know those jeans and cotton tees call your name every time you open the closet doors but I am of the belief that every women should on occasion go somewhere and do something that you get a little dressed up for.  No one is saying 4" heels and a mini, I'm just saying a little style, a little prep, a small step up from the every day ordinary many of us slide into for the sake of convenience and comfort.  Ok say you, but I still have no where to go.  Not buyin' it say I.  Be the master of your own destiny and call up your best girlfriend and try a new restaurant you have always wanted to go to.  Hell, invite a few girls over to the house and dress up for carry out put in fancy bowls and serve with several bottles of vino.  Find a reason to celebrate!  Some of my most fun nights have not been the crazy clubs or a hot date with Mr. Talldarkandhandsome.  The best nights have been celebrating making it to Friday, celebrating a birthday or simply just getting out of the house and being around other human beings you do not know with someone you know!  Turn on some music, have a glass of wine while you get ready.  Perhaps do a bit more dramatic eye than normal; wear that statement necklace you feel is a little too sparkly for daytime.  Whatever it is ladies,  beauty for beauties sake and dressy for the sake of not always being dressed down is important.  I encourage you to throw a few pieces into your wardrobe that spice it up.  I am sending out a call to action: Plan to do something new and wear the thing you thought you had nowhere to wear it to, there! 

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