Friday, September 6, 2013

Fashion and Politics

Sometimes people think that fashion is shallow or unimportant or something that only pertains to famous people or people with lots of money to spare.  Au contraire mon cherie.  Fashion is art and art so often reflects politics and politics mean nothing without the people. 

Not too long ago a plump figure was a sign of wealth as it implied a leisure lifestyle and ample food.  Now popular notion has shifted towards a thin physique connotative of lots of free time to work out and have meals delivered with the perfect calorie count.  Various trends have reflected how people were feeling from the flapper era in speak easy's to the rise of the bikini in the 50's and 60's to dashikis and afros representing hard fought freedom and pride in a culture historically oppressed.  Hippies didn't just throw on bell bottoms and embroidered tops simply because they were comfortable and stylish but also because they were tired of the system saying what was right.  They wanted a culture of peace without having to watch their friends shipped off to war and their clothes represented an entire collective culture of music, political beliefs and art.  What you put on ends up going with you wherever you go.  What you choose does in fact reflect you!  In the past 5-10 years I have seen lots of military and camouflage and I actually love this look because I think the colors are easy to wear and the pattern makes for something a little interesting.  However I have never bought anything in camouflage personally or for the store because I think on some level no matter how subconscious it may be its equating war with something cool (disclaimer: if you own anything in camoflouge I do not judge you and don't be afraid to wear it into the store, I was a sociology minor and think way more about this kind of thing than most people). 

 One of our jewelry designers a few seasons back had pendants in the shape of bullets and we decided to pass on this also.  Gold (or metal with a gold color) has made a big resurgance in the past 4 years which I think is indicative of people feeling the effects of the economy and wanting to project luxury even if it is just brass or gold vermeil.  On trend seasonal colors make sense and go with most neutrals. These have been popular the last few years because the make sense in a recovering economy.  Many people are not in the mood to buy something they may only wear once in a season.

What we choose as well as what we pass up are small stitches in the quilt of our lives.  Each day the images we project, words we speak, art we like and politics we agree and disagree with is our individual vote on the human race.  While the clothes we wear should not dictate our life and fashion can sometimes be simply fun; it also can be art and politics and a sign of the times.  

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