Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lupita the Godess

Fashion can now be officially divided into B.L. (before Lupita) and A.L. (after Lupita).  Yes, I am referring to Lupita Nyong'o.  This woman rocks my world!  She is so gorgeous, not afraid to take fashion risks, knows what colors look good on her and pulls it all of with sickening grace and confidence.  I did a little reading up on her as well and it just gets better.  Lupita was born in Mexico City to Kenyan parents and according to tradition was named after events of the day.  She graduated from Hampshire college and then Yale and has written, directed and produced a documentary about the treatment of Kenya's albino population.  It doesn't stop there though, as well as starring in television shows, and major hollywood movies she was recently named one of the 2014 faces for Miu Miu.  This woman is leading and inspiring by example. Go Lupita!  

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Glimmer of Hope

I know we should be living in the moment and not wishing the time away, but when its as cold as a witch's boobies (I remember the first time I heard the real version of that when I was little and my silent shock.  I still laugh when I think about that) it's hard not to be dreaming of summer.  Oh the parties, the barbecues, the beach, the bike rides!

At a shoe show I went to earlier this week I was looking at sandals with such longing and excitement and then it happened.  I spotted her from about 25 feet away.  She was so classy, so fun, so practical yet glamorous at the same time.  I was in love!!!  Yes ladies, that's right, I found the most glorious summer sandal that I can wear to any and every function possible.  I am already planning on getting two pairs.  One to wear and one to have in the wings once I wear the first pair out.  So hopefully the thought of yourself wearing a sandal that you feel amazing in AND can walk in with the sun shining and your head held high (not crunched down into your coat) will bring a smile to your face and give you a glimmer of hope that warmer weather will eventually come. Just know, that Williams Shoes and Williams Next Door will be attending several shows in the next months, planning and carefully choosing the best styles and price-points for you for Spring/Summer 2014.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Stylish Little Pig

You may have heard of the 3 stylish little pigs. The first built  her wardrobe out of flimsy materials that lost their shape.  The second built her wardrobe out of trendy items that went out of style in a season.   The third little pig built her wardrobe out of stylish yet timeless pieces investing in good quality for the things she knew she would wear all the time.  Long story short, out of the 3 pigs the third one looked effortlessly cool, lived a more stress free life and was known as a stylish gal for all of her days.

At one point or another, every woman I know has had her room in total chaos with clothes strewn about everywhere 10 minutes before she is supposed to be heading out the door.  Why do we do this to ourselves?  In times like these I think there are two things to do to mitigate the insanity and pull off looking and feeling good.

1. The first is the old acronym my SAT instructor was always mentioning, K.I.S.S. (keep It Simple Stupid).  You can always take the basics and pair it with something a little more zesty. Having simple, classic, flattering pieces will always be great building blocks.

2.The second thing is to have the basics already in your closet.  Don't wait until the last minute to try and find these. When you see them and you like how they fit, get them!  You won't regret it.  Below are a few of my favorite basic items every woman should have which will take the stress out of dressing. 

A great pair of black pants.  Our ponte pant (they have a slimming line down the front) has been a best seller and we now have all sizes back in stock.  Comfortable, slightly dressy and super flattering.  They are a must!  $95


This black and silver necklace makes a statement, is nice and light and goes with everything.  Unique enough to add a finishing touch, simple enough to not overpower.  $32

A basic black pair of boots (sandals in the summer) you can wear with dresses, skirts and pants to slightly dressier events AND everyday.  Not only that but they are super comfortable.  Your basics should be as comfortable as possible because you will be wearing them a lot! $185

Once you have amazing good quality basics, adding inexpensive, trendy and more flavorful pieces with prints textures and sass becomes easy.  Just remember: the smartest stylish little pigs build their wardrobe with great basics!

What do you think?  What are your favorite basics?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chiberia Street Style

So as the new year gets rolling,  I am going to be incorporating a street style portion to my blogging.  Today, with temperatures of around -10 degrees I decided to start doing this.  Needless to say it was challenging.  I have not sorted out the details of a fancy camera just yet and on top of it all, it is so so cold outside it makes doing much of anything difficult.  I hope you enjoy despite the amateur nature of my first Chicago street style blog.  

I love the "his and hers" look this couple's got going on.  I also like the big pompom she has on her hat.  It gives a whimsical touch when pure practicality reigns.

While this outfit may not appear to be much, the print on this jacket is really quite fabulous.  Purple ombre and plaid; at the same damn time!  

And putting us all to shame is this woman rocking her leopard coat and stylish hat at the grocery store.    Far and away the most put together person I saw out and about and you all know how I feel about leopard print.  'Nuff said.

Mirrored reflections.  Gotta give the masses, splashes, of color, even if I do live in Chiberia.