Friday, November 22, 2013

The Day I Met Sissy Spastik

So maybe some of you noticed that last Saturday I did not publish a blog post.  The truth is I was feeling rather uninspired and a bit down in general.  Perhaps it was a case of the early winter blues; change can sometimes be difficult.  That was, until Sunday night when someone showed me just how inspiring change and transformation can truly be. 

As I mentioned, it was a Sunday night and I just had to get out of the house so I ended up going to a dance party hosted by one of the most amazing drag queens in the city named, Sissy Spastik.  She said to me, "I love your leopard coat, is it vintage?" (I told you amazing things can happen when you wear leopard print!!!). From there we struck up a conversation and she showed me some truly beautiful and artistic photo-shoots she has been in and wonderfully innovative and expressive outfits she has created.  She personifies exactly what I love about fashion.  She pushes boundaries, has fun with it and uses it as a form of expression and art. We became Facebook friends and it was a smart move because all week long she has been inspiring me.  Here are a few of the golden nuggets I have picked up from her.

The first is this quote: "When it comes down to it, it really doesn't matter if someone doesn't like or approve of my aesthetic, or my style of drag, because I'm still going to do what I do and can't nobody tell me otherwise. Life is too short to be consumed by worrying about those that do not get you, accept you, approve of you. BE YOU, DO YOU & NEVER APOLOGIZE! I'm Sissy Spastik and I approve this message. #tellitlikeitis #beyoudoyou #loveyourself "

The second is this YouTube video:  As women, so much of our identity is intertwined with our appearance.  Getting older can be scary and there are not an expansive amount of public figures we can look to that are doing it with style, pizazz and sass.  These real life women are brave, beautiful and inspiring in the way they have lived and are living life.  They are defining their age not letting their age define them.  LOVE IT! 

Finally, is this article Sissy was featured in.  She is a true inspiration in the way she has found her voice, her personal style, and overcome adversity.  We can all take a cue from people around us who are breaking down barriers and being true to themselves and who they are.  Inspiration can come from anyone and anywhere we just have to get out there and be open to it.  Sissy reminded me that your life is your greatest work of art.  What masterpiece will you create?

Have you been inspired by something lately in fashion or otherwise?  I would love to hear about it!


  1. Right on! I wholeheartedly agree with you and Sissy. Life is too short to not be yourself. I too was inspired by the 'don't dress your age' documentary and I'm continually inspired by a client of mine who is 82, still a working artist and lives her life exactly how she wants too. She's one of the coolest people I know.

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting ladies! xoxo
