Sunday, October 13, 2013

chilly confusion

So, generally I try to focus on the positives of fashion and how to put things together.  As many of you who follow my blog know, I often say if you feel good in it forget the rules and express yourself that is the most important thing.  I feel obliged however, to discuss a fashion "no-no" that plagues the Midwest annually.  Just in the past few weeks as the temperature is cold in the morning and warmer once the sun heats things up and drops again at night.  I have seen these fashion offenders cropping up just as they do every year.  Yes, you know what I am talking about.  It's when someone is wearing some clothes appropriate for a hot summer day and other items appropriate for a cold fall/winter day.  I'm not totally heartless.  I know even the most fashion saavy get confused and end up under dressed or over dressed .  The weather report gets it wrong a good portion of the time and Chicago is a temperamental lady to say the least.  This can easily be forgiven for to err is human as they say.  However, illogical dressing is a crime of a different nature.  It's just not logical!  If you have bare legs you should not be wearing a big wool scarf or a heavy sheerling coat.  Wearing fur lined boots a tank top as your upper half is ill-advised.  So, in conclusion, pick a season and stick with it.  What are your thoughts on this?  Is this a fashion "Do" or a fashion "Don't"?

1 comment:

  1. the uggs with a skirt is the epitome of this blog statement. Definitely a NO! also mostly cuz the regular uggs are just plain ugly.
