Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Future Is Here & The Time Is Now

2016 is here and officially upon us.  It took me a little time to figure out what I wanted to write and set my intention for the year but it has finally arrived. Funny, because really it was there all along. Forest through the trees type thing I suppose.

It was sometime in the early fall, when one of my clients came in wearing a pink pin that said "Be Kind" on it.  As it turns out, she has them custom made and gives them to people when she feels so inclined.  I was lucky enough to then become a recipient of one of these little treasures after our discussion about how frustrated she became with everyone saying "be nice." "What we really need is people to be kind, the two sentiments are not one and the same," she waxed philosophical.

Fast forward to December 2015 and some of my oldest and dearest friends decided to have a house party for New Years. It was the first time I would be celebrating in a house in a long time.  I was really excited to be with all of my childhood friends so I suggested that we turn it into a costume party to really get things festive (and a little crazy).  As I wasn't the host I could not strictly enforce my costume idea so I encouraged my friend who was, to do just that.

Long story short, in the end my costume enthusiasm was not matched by the masses and I had to make my peace with the fact that the Party Gods were not ruling in my favor on this one.  In all honesty, I was oddly attached to the idea and was a bit bummed that not everyone felt the same.  After pouting for a few minutes about not getting my way, I realized I was being ridiculous and decided to move forward with my plan with or without the rest of the party. I decided to have the best time with some of the most beautiful people I know.  Friends who have loved me in whatever I'm wearing since the time I was 14 years old.

As I started to formulate my idea for what I wanted to wear, I decided my theme would be
"Future Space Cool."  I went to Beatnix on Halsted which has amazing wigs, make-up, costumes and all sorts of funky items to have fun with.  I settled on the look you see featured.

I arrived at the party with my Polaroid camera in hand, along with my catch phrase, "The future is here and the time is now." On occasion, at apropos moments, I would point to my pin and say "In the future we're kind to each other."

In the end, it was one of the best New Years I've ever had and everyone loved and adored my look.  It was a great reminder to do my own thing no matter what and let everyone else do theirs. I also realized that in doing so I had stayed true to my style philosophy which is; dress for the part, dress in what makes you feel good and dress with intention.  I have set the tone for the year for myself and hopefully in writing this can inspire you as well.

There is no waiting, the time is now.  Start where you are and do what you can. I stumbled across this quote today by Martin Luther King Jr. and I think it sums it up quite nicely:

If you can't fly - run
If you can't run- walk
If you can't walk - crawl
But whatever you do
You have to keep moving forward

This year my goal is to move forward NOW. It's easy to get stuck focusing on all the times you f*cked up. Redirect that conversation with yourself and get started.  Let's freaking crawl if we have to and let's do it in style!

What do you think?  Did you set any goals for 2016? I would love to hear.

P.S. more on the blog name change and other exciting news to come!

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