Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Little Suzie

Little Suzie gets up one hour and forty minutes before she needs to leave for work.  She spends 10 minutes making coffee, 45 minutes drinking it and reading the news, 20 minutes to shower and put on makeup and 15 minutes stretching: 

 Q1: How much time does little Suzie have left to get dressed?  

A: 10 minutes
B: Assuming she can find the top she wanted to wear, just enough time
C: She still has to gather her stuff and put on her shoes so really only 7
D: If she hates the first outfit she thought she would like and has to try on 2 more, not enough time.
E: All of the above

Before we get to the answer I have another question.

Q2: What is time and does it even exist? 

A: Yes it does, it's broken down into past, present and future, seconds, minutes, hours and days.
B: It's a social construct and is just a figment of our imagination
C: Your boss doesn't give a shit about these types of philosophical questions and your ass will be fired if you're not at your desk on time.
D: All of the above


Q1: E
Q2: D

So at some point or another you may have known a "friend" just like little Suzie.  On any given day depending on circumstances she may or may not be running a few minutes late and rarely is she not rushing.  Full disclosure, I myself, have on occasion, been a "Little Suzie."  I have always struggled with mornings.  Staying up late has come easily to me but mornings, however, are a different story.  Mornings and I have been battling since I was a child, and after thirty years I am waving my white flag.  There were just a few too many mornings that I felt rushed or something popped up that made me wish I had just another 10 minutes.  I started getting up earlier, stretching for longer, and getting ready at a slower and steadier pace.  My days have become more peaceful, and I have found my mornings to be much more enjoyable.  It's not always easy but committing to giving myself enough time has also improved my style.  I waste less time, and make better decisions.  I also did a SERIOUS closet clean out and got rid of anything and everything that didn't make me feel good or had seen its day.  Eliminating the clutter and unwanted excess in my closet has significantly upgraded what I put together and allowed me to express myself in a way I am enjoying even more. 

So what do you think?  Do you give yourself enough time to put together an outfit you feel great in?  Is your closet in proper condition to allow optimum outfit coordination?  Have you ever finally changed a habit you previously couldn't break?  How did you do it?  I would love to hear!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Shake-Up

When I was 12 years old I woke up and decided to cut off all my hair (1 inch long all around).  After a healthy dose of regret and a river of tears, it grew back along with a strong desire never to cut my hair again.  I have also worn glasses since I was about 10 years old but had never found a pair I felt was stylish or gave me the look I was going for, so I have always worn contacts outside of the house and worn my glasses while I am at home.  As I approach 30 this summer, I just felt I needed a shake-up.  It's not that I haven't been doing what I want or like I just needed to inject a little something new into my reality. 

Sometimes, people move to a different city, make the decision to end a long-term relationship or leave their career as a way to get a fresh start.  All is well and good with these dramatic changes, yet there are times we want something that will be less life-altering but still get that feeling of exciting and new.  A great way to do this is through style.

I woke up not to long ago and realized I had, had the same hair cut/length for almost 15 years.  I thought about it and was unimpressed with my attachment to my long hair so I cut it.  I also have found my eyes becoming more fatigued throughout the day from wearing contacts for so many years. I knew I needed to get a pair of glasses I liked enough and felt good enough wearing to rock outside my house.  I decided to drop the cash on a pair that I really loved and that felt great (read: properly fit my face and not heavy).  I wanted a "look" but also something that went with the clothes and jewelry I like to wear.  I didn't want my glasses or my hair to be an after thought to me and my style I wanted them be synergistic components.

I have loved these small but significant shake-ups and they have given me a lot of fun new ways to play.  What do you think?  Have you made some "shake-up" decisions lately that have kept you on your toes?  I would love to hear about it!