Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How to look amazing in 15 minutes (possibly 10)

So~ if you are like me, you probably went to bed with grand ideas of getting up early to stretch, maybe do some writing or meditate a bit to prepare yourself for the day.   You maybe even thought you were going to clean a bit because you read in real simple once that if you wipe down your bathroom every day it never needs a deep clean.  Fast-forward 7 hours later and that super annoying beeping sound goes off in your kitchen (where you put it to force yourself to actually have to get out of bed to turn off so you don't press snooze a gazillion times).  If you are STILL like me your body feels like someone has injected you with a horse tranquilizer and you can barely move.

 After the alarm goes off  sometimes, I somehow end up back in bed not meditating, not writing, not stretching, and definitely not cleaning. On these days I know what needs to be done in order to maintain a stylish look and still get to work on time.  The answer is black + accessories.  When your morning has not gone the way you were hoping and you are in a bit of a rush, the answer to looking like you spent 40 minutes getting ready when really you only spent 15 is the following:

5 minutes putting on your make-up (this step can be eliminated at home if you have a second set at work which I do)

5 minutes putting on your all black ensemble (a black dress in summer takes about one minute but keep in mind the extra 2 minutes it will require with tights in the winter).  Invest in black jeans or perhaps the black corduroy leggings we have if you don't already have them.  They will change your life. Throw on a black textured sweater or some sort of black top that has something interesting about it whether it's leather accents or a sheen.  Look for these when you shop.  Remember, black but with something interesting.

4 minutes layering on the necklaces, earrings, bracelets and stylish scarf

1 minute picking out your comfortable yet cool shoes that may or may not be black. I love the color of the season, burgundy, with an all black ensemble but currently have been throwing on my grey platform boots from Kork-ease quite often, because they look edgy, break up the black, and are super comfortable so I can book it to the bus and still arrive at work in style!  Do not be afraid of a brown shoe this is a very european chic look.  If you go with a brown shoe make it a lighter whiskey brown and tie it in with a scarf that has some brown/tan/beige tones in it.

My last advice on this matter is make the jewelry statement pieces or things that will stand up to an all black look.  This will make it look more "on purpose."  Just have these pieces on stand bye.  A big watch, a bright necklace or several.  If the pieces are smaller make sure they have a bit of sparkle (black onyx is killer on black clothing because it shines without being over the top).  Come in to Williams Shoes to find your amazingly stylish and comfortable shoes and stop by Next Door to find your easy yet interesting black pieces for those days when things just didn't go as planned!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In Heaven, Masculine Meets Feminine

I remember when I was in the third grade, a boy named Corey wore a purple corduroy skirt to school.  It completely baffled the entire class. The third grade world was all a'twitter before there even was Twitter. It was all anyone could talk about. When asked why he wore a skirt to school he simply said, "I wanted to.  Why can only girls wear skirts?"  Wow!  So simple. So true.  Out of the mouths of babes as they say.  Fashion has always reflected the climate of the world; politics, art, technology.  Coco Chanel is credited as making it acceptable for women to wear pants.  Now 80 years later Marc Jacobs, one of today's most recognized designers, can often be seen sporting a dress.  The times are a changin' and the hard and fast rules of what women and men can wear, from fabrics to colors, to shapes have gone out the window leaving a veritable fashion playground, and this season women are like kids at recess!   Mixing feminine and masculine can be a fun way to dabble with your personal style.  Combining looser fits with more figure hugging silhouettes can create a more interesting look than just the expected.  Big trends we are seeing this season are men's oxford style shoes and smoking slippers being paired with softer hues and feminine lines.  Put on an over-sized sweater with your skinny jeans.  Don a tough boot with a frilly flirty dress (Frye boots have been a long time "go to" for this look. (now available at Williams Shoes).  For some much celebrated inspiration in this vain check out Diane Keaton in Annie Hall.  One of the things I personally love about this style is it portrays a confident woman who isn't afraid to challenge the traditional idea of femininity or masculinity for that matter.  A woman who knows not everyone is going to approve of the look and doesn't care is a woman I care for. It can be comfortable and stylish and so easy to make personal.  This season in fashion heaven:  Masculine meets feminine!

Monday, October 8, 2012

All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go?

"This is such a lovely top but I have nowhere to wear this."  I'm sorry what?  Ladies! What is this?!  I often hear this while at the shop and I have to say this kills me.  I understand that perhaps not everyday you want to put on a dress or wear something "dressier."  I know those jeans and cotton tees call your name every time you open the closet doors but I am of the belief that every women should on occasion go somewhere and do something that you get a little dressed up for.  No one is saying 4" heels and a mini, I'm just saying a little style, a little prep, a small step up from the every day ordinary many of us slide into for the sake of convenience and comfort.  Ok say you, but I still have no where to go.  Not buyin' it say I.  Be the master of your own destiny and call up your best girlfriend and try a new restaurant you have always wanted to go to.  Hell, invite a few girls over to the house and dress up for carry out put in fancy bowls and serve with several bottles of vino.  Find a reason to celebrate!  Some of my most fun nights have not been the crazy clubs or a hot date with Mr. Talldarkandhandsome.  The best nights have been celebrating making it to Friday, celebrating a birthday or simply just getting out of the house and being around other human beings you do not know with someone you know!  Turn on some music, have a glass of wine while you get ready.  Perhaps do a bit more dramatic eye than normal; wear that statement necklace you feel is a little too sparkly for daytime.  Whatever it is ladies,  beauty for beauties sake and dressy for the sake of not always being dressed down is important.  I encourage you to throw a few pieces into your wardrobe that spice it up.  I am sending out a call to action: Plan to do something new and wear the thing you thought you had nowhere to wear it to, there!