Friday, May 17, 2013

The 1/2 Tuck

The half tuck is the new shabby chic way to wear looser fitting shirts.  I personally think it's fabulous.  You get the best of both worlds because you can wear slouchier tops but not have them be just totally floating on bottom which can sometimes make hips looks wide.  This looks good with pretty much anything a bit more figure hugging on the bottom (another good reason to do this trend: you don't have to try to tuck all the material into a fitted waistband, just tuck in a bit in the front) from shorts, to dressy black cigarette pants, to jeans.  I do encourage accessorizing (when don't I?) just to make sure the look appears more casually on purpose than just rolled out of bed.  What do you think?  Will you do the half-tuck this summer?

*all images from google images

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Met Gala 2013

So the Met Gala was a few days ago and this annual party is one of my favorite red carpet events to see what the stars wore.  This event is known as being more artsy, creative and avant garde than many other red carpet events and this year's theme "PUNK: From Chaos to Couture" proved to be no different.  Below are some of my favorites from the night and the reasons why.  While most of us will not be attending events such as this one or wearing dresses such as these, the reasons they were my favorite are things we can all apply to our fashion lives!  

Accessories, accessories, accessories!  I always say jewelry, scarves, handbags, and accessories in general can transform any outfit and Nicole Richie proves this point perfectly.  Her gorgeous white dress would be, sans the white hair, otherwise just another pretty dress.  She transformed this outfit by accessorizing with a bold statement piece in this case, her hair!

Know your body!  Jennifer Lopez is a perfect example of someone who knows her body and stays true to that.  She may edge it up or soften things depending on the event but she is true to her style and what looks good on her body regardless of the current trend.  I LOVED her look at the Met Gala. Brava Jennifer, Brava!

Know where you are going and commit!  Sarah Jessica Parker committed to the event and went for it.  She wore plaid velvet knee high boots, a printed gown and a mohawk headpiece.  She clearly paid attention to the theme and boldly went there.  I remember a time when I showed up at a dressier cocktail event wearing jeans and I deeply regretted that choice the whole night.  I did not enjoy myself and felt ill prepared for the evening.  Knowing where you are going and dressing for the event can give you confidence and make you feel good.  You have to just love SJP for having the guts to rock this with a smile and like it was not a thing at all that she a giant gold mohawk thing on her head.

Embrace your sexy!  While we all (read no one) may not look like Giselle we do all have our inner sexy which we should not be afraid to embrace.  Giselle knows she's hot and is not afraid to let it shine.  This confidence is the best accessory to any outfit any woman can have.  Put on something that makes you feel great and let the world hear you roar!